Cisco sets out to help Nash.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.After Black Hole hires Rag Doll to kill Joe, Singh suggests he go into Witness Protection but Joe refuses to stop investigating Carver.
Ray, Ralph, and Iris go to recruit the Paragon of Humanity, while Constantine helps Mia and Diggle recover Oliver's soul.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.After The Citizen prints an explosive story, Iris's life is threatened. Ralph attempts to stop Sue from making a grave mistake that could destroy her life. It’s rare that these throwaways get to come back and team up (and often when they do, it’s unwelcome), but here it was exactly as it should be. Iris becomes suspicious of Eva.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.After recent events, Barry takes a closer look at his life with Iris. would be kind of…I dunno…hacky. He's a man with a deep and abiding love of comics published before he was born, low-budget… Iris faces a new challenge while Barry considers a potentially dangerous request from a trusted source.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.Feeling overwhelmed with all the changes since Crisis, Barry conducts an experiment that goes awry and puts him directly in Gorilla Grodd's path. Eva makes a bold move.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.When Godspeed returns, Barry turns to Hartley Rathaway for help; things get tense quickly after Barry realizes one of the changes from Crisis is that The Flash and Pied Piper are now enemies; Iris tries to escape the Mirrorverse.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.Barry considers a risky plan to save Iris from the Mirrorverse. The Flash season 6 finale wasn't supposed to actually be the end of this story, but it sure felt big enough to cap things!After all, this season has spent almost all its time breaking rules.
Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.Team Flash face multiple Godspeeds, but focus on their personal issues: Barry and Iris are grieving over losing Nora, Caitlin is unable to summon Killer Frost, and Cisco deals with being Vibe no longer. Here, maybe just because it was so unexpected and such a departure from what we usually get on these shows, it wasn’t just fun, it was slick and well executed and ultimately felt like it made the fight itself more dynamic (especially when the panel border disappeared as two teams squared off). Barry Allen is a Central City police forensic scientist with a reasonably happy life, despite the childhood trauma of a mysterious red and yellow being killing his mother and framing his father. comics!) Meanwhile, Barry must face the consequences of the Crisis and fulfill Oliver Queen's wish for him.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.Barry and Iris plan a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day but their evening is interrupted by an old foe – Amunet. “The Flash” Season 6 is going on a small hiatus and episode 16 is now set to air on Tuesday, April 6, 2020. Still, Ralph’s fake laugh when Sue shows up with her parents was absolutely priceless, as was the quick look of disappointment on Sue’s face when Ralph says he didn’t “torch the place.” It’s a remarkably tight episode considering how much actually got done. In fact, the only time I felt annoyed with her was when she burst out of/shattered that poor, devoted Singh mirror duplicate. I wish this season had leaned a little further into the paranoia and uncertainty of what she can accomplish in “our” world a little bit earlier in the season, but it was really effective here. Meanwhile, Frost gets into the holiday spirit and attempts to help Allegra reconnect with an old love.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.After months of searching for Sue Dearbon, Ralph gets a lead on her whereabouts and finally comes face to face with his missing client. But you know what I found genuinely refreshing for some reason? The CW aired The Flash Season 6 finale on Tuesday, May 12, after the show had to finish early due to a production shutdown. Eva’s too good to employ nameless henchpeople, and having Elongated Man take on the likes of Doctor Light while laser beams zipped around everyone’s heads and the screen broke off into comic book panels felt like a kind of 21st century equivalent of But any nods to that kind of campy fun are erased by Barry’s last second “rescue” of Carver, which leads to one of the most gruesome moments in this show’s history with Eva driving a mirror shard clean through Flash’s shoulder…and into Carver’s chest. But think about what Eva McCulloch could end up being for I don’t know when we’re going to get new episodes of Nash recruits Allegra to help him, while Cecile gives Chester some advice.Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.With Crisis only two days away, Barry faces a crisis from within when Ramsey infects him with his black blood. Barry uses that confrontation with “Singh” and that warehouse as a way to try and call Carver out, who of course denies any knowledge of that warehouse, even as it makes him realize that the walls are starting to close in on him. Unfortunately for both The Flash and Grodd, things get worse when another villain appears – Solovar. This means that, for now, The Flash Season 6 will end at Episode 20, after which it will be replaced in the CW line-up by new superhero show Stargirl.
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