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I can't deny the way that I feel
for all my dreams have come true.
I've found a love that is so for real
when the Lord blessed me with you.

You're the pillow that I squeeze so tight
when I close my eyes to sleep.
Your kisses is what I count at night
instead of counting sheep.

Wherever I go, I see your face
but they are just visions of you,
for no one can fill the empty space
in my heart as well as you do.

You're the thought that enters my mind
whenever I need a taste of
the sweetest wine of the grapevine
grown from the soil of your love.

Your name's engraved within my heart
so there shouldn't be any doubt
when I say that you're the main part
of what my joy is about.

I'll never know what lies ahead;
my days may be many or few.
I may be alive or I may be dead
but how could I live without you?

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