
Satan's Resume'

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Through the mouth of a serpent, Eve was deceived
in the Garden of Eden that day.
Satan was the God that they believed.
They were added to His resume'.

His resume' states that He's qualified
to mislead all of mankind
and have God's Holy Word falsified
to keep man spiritually blind.

His objective is to seek and destroy
the life of every human soul.
To discourage, corrupt, and then deploy
the evil under His control.

His knowledge stemmed from God himself;
the greatest that man's ever known,
but Satan thought too much of himself
and wanted worship of His own.

Experienced over thousands of years
and skilled in the art of deceit,
He takes advantage of this world's fears
to make man bow at His feet.


His hobbies include resistance to God
and slandering His holy name.
For example: death is accredited to God
but Satan is really to blame.

So if we deny all of Satan's power
that God allows Him to display,
we will be among those He devours
and adds to His resume'.

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