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The most deadly disease of all time
that receives the least compensation
is a mountain that doctors fail to climb:
It is called procrastination.

Like cancer, it can devour the soul
with immunities less than AIDS
as the past begins to take control
and the gap in the future fades.

All of the symptoms are much the same;
a habit of timeless delay.
The episode ends with no one to blame
and no time for another day.

The clocks on the walls have all stood still
to those who've become infected.
The past is gone, and the present gets ill
as the future comes unexpected.

What hope is there for those in sorrow
with a schedule envied by time
that arrive at yesterday on tommorow
with no defense for the crime?

No man has ever finished a race
that he himself never started:
The turtle traveled at a steady pace,
but the rabbit became broken hearted.

Oh Lord, when we are called from the ground,
I pray that I don't hesitate.
When you gather your sheep from all around,
let me not procrastinate.

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