
Whatabout Her

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A man wants respect on his ego trip;
a woman who will call him sir,
but it takes two in a relationship
so in short, what about her?

A woman needs more than a bedroom love
if her heart one intends to keep,
or a cheap box of candy placed above
her pillow while she's asleep.

Why can't she be loved and respected
as much as he'd like to be
with companionship not affected
by abuse and infidelity?

Why can't her heart and mind be attractive
as well as her "tight fittin'" jeans?
Why can't she become more interactive
as a woman and not a machine?

A woman don't need insensitivity
from a man that shows no respect;
who's busy with other activities
and shares with her the neglect.

A "yes" man who has "no" idea
of how he should treat his mate
or playboy that doesn't know love is real
and learns a little too late.

She needs a man that's gentle and true;
someone that she can rely on
with feelings and spirituality too;
a caring shoulder to cry on.

For throughout history books untold,
respect is what a man prefers,
but a woman with her own heart and soul:
No one should forget about her.

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