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My mind can escape reality
but believes in my redeemer.
It's built by my personality
for I was always a dreamer.

My attempt to achieve serenity
is due to my internal love
but most of my stability
rests in what I dream of:

A love as pure as the snow
but warm as the summer's sun
with the ties to which I know
the bonds won't become undone.

A mansion built on a land
with financial status secure,
and possessions made by hand
with a purpose that's obscure.

I live with all awareness
of most difficult situations
that's a part of life's unfairness
relieved by imagination.

A life with no insecurity
but blueprints of perfect design
drawn at the right opportunity
in the borders of my mind.

For I still live in reality
as strange as it may seem,
but I wish that my reality
was really all just a dream.

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