
The Devil Drove Me

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I awakened one day not feeling well
but knowing how the Devil will lurk.
On my knees to God, I fell
the day the Devil drove me to work.

My emotions became a heavy load
as we went our unholy way,
and as we were going down the road,
this is what the He had to say:

He said: "Your boss never treats you fair
and you should tell them about it
because you do more than just your share.
Do they appreciate you? I doubt it.

You know your friend that sits next to you
talks about you behind your back
and tells every little thing you do.
This I know for a fact.

When's the last time you received a raise?
It's been at least a year and a half.
The other workers gets the praise
but all you've gotten was a laugh.

You know they got bonus checks last week
and I know you got one too.
You didn't get one? They had to sneak
to keep from giving one to you."

The Devil told me many things that day
and left me feeling like a jerk.
The Devil's influence had led me astray
and He finally drove me out of work.

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