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Each day I wear a smile on my face
but inside I'm slowly dying
for I know a smile will not erase
the tears that I keep crying.

I rise each morning of my life
but my heart never awakens
for it's cut with the jagged knife
of a love that has been taken.

A love that's so very dear to me
with its warm and tender care
that has slowly strayed away from me:
It's gone and I don't know where.

All I know is that deep inside
of my heart I constantly feel
a hole of emptiness I can't hide
that only this love can seal.

Only the warmth of her tender touch
can dry the tears that I cry:
a touch that I crave so very much;
without it I'll weaken and die.

So every night to my God I pray
that if it's His will to be,
to make a path along her way
that will lead her back to me.

But until then, I can barely survive
and my heart is not denying
that when she returns, I will revive
and then I will stop crying.

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