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yurra wows

WoWS Stats & Numbers - najlepsze narzędzie do przeglądania i śledzenia statystyk World of Warships. Recommended Posts. If you’re hitting your shells you’re hitting….doesn’t make much difference if they’re landing on target 1-2 seconds slower…..so long as your actual RoF isn’t slower. Firestorm325 0 … and no one attempted to make another thread for the same topic I get it why the rework has to happen and i honestly can say much about it for now but why delete half of the carrier line only to re-release it in the far future? Otrzymujemy dostęp wyłącznie do nazwy użytkownika i identyfikatora konta. Gary Mckeon. Ta funkcjonalność wymaga potwierdzenia tożsamości za pomocą konta Wargaming.net. Thirty years before, she was a handmaiden within the Highland Central Palace where she quickly became very close to Prince Sogun. (gosh since when did Tier IV carriers with AS became a thing) By Firestorm325, January 24, 2018 in General Game Discussion. This feature requires authentication with your Wargaming.net account. Yurra is a contracting entity with the capabilities to perform numerous Construction and Maintenance Services. I kinda wanna test that again.

Ads = better and faster server, more data from game, more new features in the future.If you like our site, please consider disabling ads blocker and support wows-numbers.com. Yea ok but that's not the point. But WoWs should work just fine. We are proudly committed to driving long-term, economically sustainable businesses to achieve our goal of delivering positive economic, cultural and community benefits to the people and communities whose lands we operate., lots of bug fixes and updates.

Wont it be frustrating to old carrier players who have grinded all the way to the top, only to get half of those grind taken away then bring it back in a possible future? © wows-numbers.com. i let off my steam, 16 hours till 0.8 goes up. Followers 1. Ads = better and faster server, more data from game, more new features in the future.If you like our site, please consider disabling ads blocker and support wows-numbers.com. Reply . 3,122 views (82 votes, average: 4.88 out of 5) Loading... destroyer, games, minekaze, twitch. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships.

489 battles in Hosho and Langley combined and I've only met a tier IV carrier with AS once (and it was a Hosho), and I'm yet to see a Langley with AS. With the carrier rework coming up where the aircraft is gonna get more focus than the vessel itself so wont it be nice to have the carrier aircraft their own paint job as well? November 21, 2017 WoWs Videos 18:07. ARP Ships. exciting game to watch … British CV are early access only at 8.1 (T4/6/8). WoWS Blitz (Mobile) WoWS for Console. "okay okay m8 but you're compensated for all those grind" We only gain access to your nickname and account id. Bookmark. 27 Comments: Flambass. Beta Testers. Rankingi graczy, statystyki okrętów, bitwy rankingowe i drużynowe i dużo dużo więcej! new Swing ME project Thu, 08/14/2008 - 00:00. EߣŸB† B÷ Bò Bó B‚„webmB‡ B… S€g ? New version of Domination game Tue, 10/07/2008 - 10:12. good luck everyone. Sure we can keep the free exp that we get from the compensation so we can buy back the alternate tree that we already grinded for already. November 18, 2017 at 4:32 pm. by Exz3ssion in WorldOfWarships. Ads = better and faster server, more data from game, more new features in the future. CST has been an open secret for quite some time now.

Ads = better and faster server, more data from game, more new features in the future. yea thats it. All rights reserved

Jeżeli lubisz nasz serwis, rozważ proszę wyłączenie blokowania reklam i wsparcie wows-numbers.com. So the ST dev blog about 8.1 makes now sense, you can exchange a new currency for those. I mean yea mods exist but wont it be nice to have something from WG as well? Take it away from them then bring it back only for them to grind it over again, wont that be annoying as hell for them? On that point, that free exp that we get from the compensation is better used for something that is tangible like Alaska or something rather than a tree that may or may not even exist. thoughts? Yurra replied to Mr_Dced's topic in General Discussion You are ignoring the fact that the top 5% of Stalingrad players actually represent the top 1% (or even less) of the complete playerbase.

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