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Some say Zeus, while others claim Oceanus and even Erebus. 17 (trans. Nemesis is the ancient Goddess of Vengeance, a massive Kaiju which has been dormant for millennia. :Lycophron, Alexandra 86 ff (trans. ADRASTEIA (Adrasteia). by Croze updated February 9, 2014. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) 7. She also called Rhamnousia/Rhamnusia ("the Goddess of Rhamnous") at her sanctuary at Rhamnous, north of Marathon. As such, she meted out punishment for evil deeds, undeserved good fortune, and hubris (arrogance before the gods). –Nemesis to Leo and Hazel, in The Mark of Athena..

It was easy to offend the gods, and even those who did so accidentally could be sure of a punishment.The issue wasn’t just that the gods were upset. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or C6th B.C.) 5. Another name for her is Adrasteia/Adrestia, meaning "the inescapable" Zeus, Oceanus, and Erebus have all been described as Nemesis’s father, while yet other sources claimed she had no father at all.Sources were also inconsistent on Nemesis’s children. To every mortal is thy influence known, and men beneath thy righteous bondage groan; for every thought within the mind concealed is to thy sight perspicuously revealed. In some versions of the Trojan War, she was the mother of Helene, and is shown in scenes of her seduction by Paris pointing an accusing finger at the girl. They planned to make a trophy, arrogantly planning for a victory they had not yet won.Their historic loss at Marathon was, in part, the work of Nemesis. She did not cause an abundance of pain unless it was to balance an abundance of joy.She was usually said to be a daughter of Nix, the primordial goddess of night.

Her Roman form is Invidia. It’s a word for your greatest enemy, the worst person in your life.The Greek Nemesis was only very slightly more positive. Too much of any good thing, whether it was luck, love, or money, could spoil a human and turn them toward hubris and greed.Despite their tendency to work against each other, Nemesis and Tyche were often depicted as a team.

:Strabo, Geography 13. In the later patriarchal deity days of Greece She is seen as a monstrous figure of revenge and anger, however in earlier Greece Her nature was more as an abstract force of justice rather than retaliation. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. Nemesis is a Greek goddess of revenge and retribution. She had been completely transformed into Invidia, the allegorical personification of the evils of envy.Outside of Greek philosophy, it can be difficult to understand the role of Nemesis.Two thousand years after the Romans warded off Invidia with charms against the evil eye, we still view envy and resentment as purely negative emotions.The Greeks, however, had a much more complicated view of Nemesis did not avenge those who resented their neighbor’s good fortune. to C1st A.D.) :Nonnus, Dionysiaca 1. Nemesis then laid two eggs, each of which contained a set of twins. Demeter herself punished him by cursing him with an insatiable hunger.Other noteworthy times she helped the gods exact revenge included:The myths are filled with stories of the gods enacting punishments for the wickedness, insults, or arrogance of humans.Nemesis is only mentioned in a few of these, but as one of the personifying One Greek proverb said, “At least Nemesis walks at your feet.” The unjust would be chased down at great speed, while those who had committed no wrong would have Nemesis calmly walk beside them.One of the more unusual stories of Nemesis is that of her role in the birth of Leda’s children.Leda was a beautiful mortal woman who was famously seduced by Zeus in the guise of a swan.

ICHNAEA (Ichnaia), that is, the tracing goddess, occurs as a surname of Themis, though in her case it may have been derived from the town of Ichnae, where she was worshipped (Hom. " I enjoy tearing down the proud and powerful, and there are none who deserve tearing down like Gaea and her giants.

Nemesis was adapted to suit new beliefs under the gods of Olympus and, in the process, became a more noticeably negative figure.She most frequently worked against Tyche, the goddess of good fortune.Tyche was more widely loved than her counterpart because she cared much less about balance and fair distribution.

25 (trans. While they were more malevolent than she was, they shared her belief in punishing those who broke sacred laws.When laws were broken, she also worked with Dike, the goddess of justice, to track down those responsible. Rather than serving a higher ideal, Invidia was purely a personification of a negative emotion.The negative view on Invidia lasted longer than the Roman religion.

She signified particularly the disapproval of the gods at human presumption, and her first altar was said to have been erected in Boeotia by Adrastus, leader of the 9 (trans.

Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :Suidas s.v.

5. Nemesis - The goddess of the arena. In particular, she is invoked against those whose hubris and arrogance got the better of them, and serves as a force of divine reckoning. Nemesis's children are as disputed as her father. 0 Votes.

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