Strike at the crystal switch and you will twist the long passage on the upper floor. Run up the step and break the pots for some health and bombs. Do you have fairies to wake you up in case you die? Taunt them to come down by running forward, then run back to a safe spot and use your hookshot to kill the spider. Master of Quest was available with Ocarina of Time 3DS version and also with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Climb down the ladder to find a chest with a Sewer, B1: Run all the way to the other end of the sewer (collect the hearts if you need health). This will melt the ice and trigger the mechanism. Go down the ladder to the block you pushed into the hole and climb on top. Light the torch (Din's Fire), talk to the Goron and open the chest to get the key. There's an eye there. Small room, west, 1F: Slide down the plank and climb up the grate to the right side all the way to the top. The chest only contains an arrow, so grab it quickly (it's on a safe square), then go through the exit. Connecting tunnel, 3F: This tunnel connects the left tower with the right one. Boss Battle Mode and Naps. And yes, the blue block is meant to stick out like that. It was originally released on the GameCube as a bonus disc with the initial releases of The Wind Waker, alongside the original version of Ocarina of Time..
Enter the next room. You will meet Darunia once again. For this reason, keep moving!
Open the chest and pat yourself on the back. Master Quest is considered by many to be a spiritual successor of Ura Zelda because it contains dungeons that are more tough and challenging just like Ura Zelda.
The Legend of Zelda Autres jeux / Spin-Off The Legend of Zelda. Climb up the vines all the way. If he gets through and rides through the room, either try to follow and shoot him or use your shield to make sure that the ensuing electric attack doesn't hit you. Good thing to note: Just go for the switches.
Small room, north, 1F: A time block is in the way.
If you get close, he will start to swing his club and attack you with a projectile attack -- again and again. Push once to open up a small side room with a treasure chest (arrows inside). Navi will alert you to the triangles on the ground. When all three are burning the grate will lift and you can go open the treasure chest in the small side room. Stick to the right, then left, center, right, and you will get to two pots (one contains a fairy). Go over to the time block behind the flaming barrier to the left. Hookshot to the crate, then go to the torch closest to the tall wall with the small windows in it. Push it.all the way until a chime sounds. A treasure chest containing a First Hallway (2F): Destroy the spiders using the hookshot.
Step on the switch, talk to the Goron and open the treasure chest. This one may be a wee little difficult. Walk down the stairway (ignore the ghost in the painting for now), the go through the door with the torch. Pick up the crate and drop it somewhere else to release the door lock and exit. If not, destroy a pot and one will come flying out. Climb onto the platform and jump across to the switch. This will bring up hookshot targets. Step on it and the fire barrier will turn off for a short time.
The easiest way to take him out is to simply send a few Bombchus forward at him from far away.
You'll meet up with a familiar character, then you're finally standing in front of the temple. Once you've taken them out, a treasure chest will appear, which contains the Northwest stairway, 2F: With the bow in hand, it's now time to pay a visit to a Poe in the paintings left outside.
Master Quest is a reworked version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with dungeons rearranged so as to be more difficult. Run over to the one with the flaming barrier first.
Right tower, 3F: Jump on top of the structure in front of you using the time block as a stepping stone.
Kill the spider, then jump down and perform a roll (so that you don't take damage). You can only hurt Volvagia's head, so only fire your hookshot when the dragon is flying towards you. You remember, that place where you and Saria chatted just the other day. Go towards the long corridor on your map and open the boss door with the boss key.
Use the hookshot to get on top of the platform above the doorway.
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