If you’d like to try any of these, I suggest playing the original Super Metroid first, just to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the original.
Leaderboard Guides Resources Forum Statistics. All levels are very dark and have that creepy outer space type of atmosphere. I went back again and randomly it was unlocked!!! So you can waste no time diving back into Planet Zebes.If you’re just getting into ROM hacks and want to know how it all works, you can start your journey with a short one like Super Metroid Challenge.Made by SMILEuser96, this challenging hack will put your Metroidvania skills to the test while also providing plenty of energy tanks and missiles for support.You wouldn’t know it from looking at the sprites, but you’re actually not playing as Samus.You’re playing as a different bounty hunter on Planet GDQ15. I didn’t have any problems with this at all.– If you get to a boss that’s too hard, just go searching elsewhere…there’s probably something you could have gotten that will make things easier.– Sometimes (but not always), when you save and power off the game, the “red” map data gets corrupt. You’ll immediately notice that you fall much faster than in other games…as if you weight 4 times as much as normal. This is strange at first, since you need to defeat the correct boss to enter certain areas. The controls even feel a bit better at times and have some features that really add to the game. I found this to be really annoying and I ended up taking a picture of the map with my phone every time I left an area.– I only had to cheat once: I couldn’t figure out where to go next, so I kept searching all the areas I’d already been to. I tried everything: Made sure I killed all the enemies in the room, searched as many other areas as possible, etc, but it stayed grey for me. Finally, they’re all able to be played on real hardware via a This is definitely the first romhack any Super Metroid fan should start with! I didn’t have any problems with this at all.– If you get to a boss that’s too hard, just go searching elsewhere…there’s probably something you could have gotten that will make things easier.– Sometimes (but not always), when you save and power off the game, the “red” map data gets corrupt. Hopefully I’ll eventually stumble upon one that’s as good as the original. If you like to play a lot of hacks, you're better off keeping copies of the original Super Metroid ROM in both headered and unheadered varieties. Super Metroid: Ascent 2. And the new weapons aren’t the most exciting.But creator Red_M0nk3y succeeded in making a remarkably fun hack that you should definitely check out.No, it’s not an SCP creepypasta or anything of the sort.Created by Lioran, Super Metroid Containment Chamber offers players progressively harder puzzles as they advance through the ROM hack.Each room is itself a bit of a self-contained puzzle. But I’m prone to losing interest whenever the exploration starts becoming grindy, and there aren’t as many new discoveries, abilities, and secrets to find.This fantastic ROM hack by Albert V. is ideal for people like me.It also brings us an updated color palette, new custom enemies, and challenging puzzles that’ll get your brain working as hard as your fingers to make it through.If you liked the idea behind Ancient Chozo, consider Albert V’s collaborative effort with hacker Moehr: Temple of the Winds.It’s the most recently released hack on the list.
A Hack That fuses two Metroid games together, Super Metroid and Metroid Zero Mission. And it can be too much if you’re not privy to the most advanced Super Metroid techniques, but I couldn’t possibly leave such an engaging hack out.On the other hand, Super Metroid Redesign is one of the most beloved ROM hacks ever to grace the franchise.It made a pretty significant impact back when it first came out.This has led many to describe it as the quintessential Super Metroid ROM hack, but I find that it’s a bit overrated. Worldwide there are so many fan base is available for this game because this game attracts everyone for … !– It saves automatically when you enter a new area. Part of the reason it’s so long is the map is huge. It may have been a bug, or maybe I really did miss something, but once I got the item in the room, I was able to proceed to the area I wasn’t ready to enter before getting it. I really never get more than thirty minutes into this one, but can anyone convince me it’s worth giving it a fair chance?This is another hack that focuses on the controls in Super Metroid; The map is unchanged. by PapaStanimus . The Planet Zebes, now bigger than we’ve previously seen it, is filled with many mysteries. This engaging yet complex exploration is the best part of this hack, along with its fantastic boss roster.The fanbase is somewhat split on this one. Most levels have decent designs, but this game is difficult.Level Smack founder. I’m not sure why the developer didn’t just use Ridley too…or even make them a completely different color or something:Airy is definitely more challenging then SM, but can definitely be completed by anyone who’s beat the original.