Rogelio seeks the help of a celebrity matchmaker. Petra makes an interesting discovery about Chuck. Faced with a dilemma, Xo weighs her options. Droht die Feier zu platzen? Mateo starts asking difficult questions about his family's origins.Jane finds it difficult to ask Fabian for a favor, and gets in over her head when she volunteers to help her mom and dad with their preparations.Jane finds out about a letter Michael wrote.
Xo and Rogelio end up on a double date.Rafael returns worse for the wear after an unsuccessful search for his missing sister, and Jane must decide whether to continue with the relationship.A sonogram appointment offers a window into Jane and Rafael's different philosophies on parenting. Mit Glück werden dort die Hochzeitsglocken für Jane und Michael läuten – wäre da nicht noch Rafael. In den USA neigt sich Staffel 2 von "Jane the Virgin" dem Ende zu. Rafael gets a lead on his birth mother's identity.
Meanwhile, Michael receives a shocking offer.In the midst of mulling over babysitter options for Mateo, Jane pauses for a Black Friday shopping trip and has a perplexing encounter with Michael.Jane gets creative to pay her own way for grad school. Rogelio starts filming "The Passions of Steve & Brenda" with River Fields.To get Jason to sign the papers, Jane must go on a date with him. A last-minute romantic gesture complicates Jane's big day. Facing an impossible decision, she unwisely chooses to "drink and decide." Anezka looks for dirt on Rafael but finds romance.Jane and Michael take the next step in their relationship. A younger male co-star makes Rogelio suspicious. Durch einen unglücklichen Zufall wird Studentin Jane bei einem Frauenarztbesuch künstlich befruchtet. Rogelio enlists Jane to help him seem smart at a fancy dinner party.As the universe seems determined to unravel plans for Mateo’s birthday party, Jane’s writing gives Michael a strong hunch about Mutter.Jane is torn between perfecting her thesis and committing to her wedding date. Eigentlich unmöglich - in "Jane the Virgin" ist aber genau das passiert.
Darci decides to have a home birth, to Rogelio's dismay.Jane struggles to dissuade Rafael from signing the hotel deal with Katherine. A last-minute romantic gesture complicates Jane's big day.After vowing to remain chaste until marriage, Jane Villanueva learns she's pregnant due to a medical slip-up and has to rethink her future.Star Gina Rodriguez won a Golden Globe for her role in this tongue-in-cheek tale of miraculous conception.This Emmy-winning, street-level view of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution captures the astonishing uprising that led to the collapse of two governments.A very chiseled but somber detective must find a serial killer who leaves clues that only his mentor's nerdy comics-loving son can decipher.Using raw, firsthand footage, this documentary examines the disappearance of Shanann Watts and her children, and the terrible events that followed.Tag and Scooch are two young pups living in Pawston.
Treibt sie das ungeplante Kind ab oder erklärt sie ihrem Verlobten Michael, dass sie ein Baby bekommt, er aber nicht der Vater ist und sie ihn auch nicht betrogen hat? Info surfaces about Rafael's birth parents. In seiner Trauer vernachlässigt Rafael die schwangere Petra. Von nun an beginnt das reinste Chaos zwischen ihr, ihrem Verlobten Michael und Schwarm Rafael.Die Titelheldin von "Jane the Virgin" ist 23 Jahre alt, Studentin und streng gläubig. Xo auditions for the telenovela. Rogelio discovers Baby is more attached to Esteban than him.When Mateo asks Jane what drugs are, she begins to worry about Rafael. Keine Sorge, denn auf im großen Aber das ist noch nicht alles! Keine Sorge, die ganze Folge von "Jane the Virgin" gibt es immer nach Ausstrahlung sieben Tage lang kostenlos online auf
J.R. sees another side of Petra that she refuses to tolerate.A memory-jogging activity with Jason sends Jane into a panic. A virginal young woman's routine medical exam abruptly transforms her life into a story as complicated and dramatic as the telenovelas she loves.The life of a pious, hardworking Latina woman is turned upside down when a doctor visit reveals she was artificially inseminated by accident.When her baby daddy's wild past comes to light, Jane chooses to keep working in the hotel he manages to see if he and his wife would be good parents.Jane decides there is no point in clinging to her virginity and plans a romantic encounter with Michael, despite her budding feelings for Rafael.Jane's plan to squelch her feelings for Rafael backfires.
After a shock, Mateo acts out.Jane realizes Jason's memory has returned. Freude, Leid und Tränen- bei "Jane the Virgin" sind Emotionen garantiert! Durch sie hat Jane Villanueva auch einen Hang zu Seifenopern. Rogelio makes a move to become a crossover star. Mateo learns about the tooth fairy. To Darci's delight, Rogelio makes a social media misstep.A job offer forces Jane and Adam to make a decision. Petra gives her mother a taste of her own medicine.When Jane hits the road on her book tour, Xo and Alba tag along to support her, but at her first reading, the Q&A session triggers a meltdown.A surprise kiss elicits mixed reactions. Alba reveals her feelings to Jorge.Jane's trip to Montana gets off to a rough start, but she soon finds herself getting a crash course in ranch life, and comes to a realization.A problem Mateo is having at school allows Jane to spend time strategizing with Rafael.
Meanwhile, Rafael makes a case for joint custody.As Alba hits a surprising snag in her attempt to apply for citizenship, Rogelio has a run-in with his old friend Britney Spears.Jane struggles with grad school, causing her to miss big milestones in Mateo’s life. Meanwhile, Rogelio’s new assistant is a little too into him.Jane and Petra discover the real reason behind Rafael’s concerning behavior, but the latter suddenly has more pressing matters to attend to.While trying to win over Michael’s parents, Jane grows concerned about Rogelio’s whereabouts.
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