Discover a new dimension of Minecraft as you create, explore, and survive in the real world. UPDATE: Now available in more countries! Bring the Minecraft universe into the real world with augmented reality! We'll be updating it frequently in the coming weeks, so keep checking back. So you can now download the game for iOS and Android in all the countries So what’s in this early access release? Good point! Gather resources, take on challenges, and share your imagination with others. Thanks chums! Click the Muddy Pig below to enjoy the latest trailer:It’s about time Minecraft Earth started living up to the second word of its title. We’ll have more to share about this soon.When playing Minecraft Earth, staying safe should be your number one priority (with unlocking the Muddy Pig being a close second). Find fresh inspiration and news of the latest creations and releases. Minecraft Earth will be available on iOS 10+ and Android 8+ devices. The world of Minecraft enters our universe in a whole new way thanks to the power of augmented reality. There’s a whole new world to discover! Here’s a helpful safety video several Minecraft villagers kindly put together. Work on a smaller scale with friends before taking your builds out into the wild at full size. Minecraft has always been a game about creativity, but Minecraft Earth gives you the chance to express yourself on a whole new scale. Join a community of builders and explorers spanning the planet, collect resources for your …
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Go on exciting adventures, build something incredible together with friends, and then step into your life-sized creations!
A game-based learning platform supporting thousands of …
Demos will be available in Microsoft stores throughout the US and Canada, as well as the stores in Sydney and London.
That’s why over the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing Minecraft Earth in early access in more and more countries across the globe.
Create, Explore, and Survive like never before!Minecraft Earth is an all-new augmented reality game for your mobile device, that lets you bring Minecraft into the real world. Minecraft Earth will be available on iOS 10+ and Android 8+ devices. Create Minecraft has always been a game about creativity, but Minecraft Earth gives you the chance to express yourself on a whole new … By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Learn more. So what’s in this early access release? You’ll be able to throw down a buildplate and create an inter… Join a community of builders and explorers spanning the entire planet! Over time, you’ll get the chance to breed unique variants, and use them to populate your builds.Meet up with like-minded crafters and create masterpieces together.
Share your masterpieces and delve into others’ creations!Minecraft Earth features many of the mobs you know and love, along with a bunch of new ones. We’ll update this website whenever a new country is added, but you can also stay updated by following Minecraft Earth on Twitter, and keeping the Minecraft Earth page of this very website bookmarked. ...and if your country isn't on the list yet, don't worry!
An understandable and relatable problem, but luckily you’ll soon be able to try the game without even unlocking your phone, by visiting a Microsoft Store and trying out a demo!
You can even team up with others for mini-adventures!Your real-life neighborhood takes on a whole new dimension thanks to Minecraft Earth. You’ll be able to throw down a We’ll have a longer hands-on report with the game on the site soon!Want to try Minecraft Earth, but your phone storage is too full of selfies? Minecraft Earth is currently available in beta form on iOS devices, having received a number of updates since its initial launch. Minecraft: Education Edition. Not familiar with Minecraft Earth?
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