*whipser* ForBlitz members…….Anyway, now the truth is revealed, all mod project are resumed.
I tested this mode on other devices too, but is the same thing. In anyway, WoT 9.14 and Blitz has generally the same number of gun sounds and the caliber range is similar. To fix that bug, I already upload the newer version of GuP Skins v.1.7.1, but if you have limited internet quota, I already upload separated file to fix this problem Thank you for your understanding, TankerchHi Tankers. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:This is Maddox’s Personal Patreon Page.
October 18, 2018 [Update 4.8] All mods Banned!! Auto-Cannon -> Same as Blitz Small gun -> Same as Blitz Medium gun -> Same as Blitz Main gun -> all guns … Well how long is it been since I have released an update for mod on this site? (official post link embed within the screens…Hi Tanker, Long Time No See! My life has been very busy and I’ve still went my way to maintain some of my mods, but I’ve never uplo…Hi Tankers. I have just updated the gun sound mods for update 4.4, remember to update them every time the game updates! I have already updated the gun sounds to v 4.2 and with the changes like removing 9.14 XML, so you guy will have a way easier to install mod here.This is Maddox’s Personal Patreon Page. Who were the ones spreading irresponsible rumors about all mods will be banned? what a inpatient person por favor actualización para la 5.9 de wot blitz y también el mod de voces de girls und panzer ya ninguno funcionaIt’s March 3rd today.
open game and done! Mod: Historical gun sounds v5.6 for WoT Blitz | WoT Blitz ... Tanksmods.com Present to you the sound mode replaces the standard sound of gunfire on historical guns. greetzMaddoxkkm my wotb gun sound mod is Not working, can you help me?Hey Maddox, I really don’t get what is wrong here… Im on a mac, and Ive copied the Sfx folder aswell as the 2 XML folders into the DATA folder of the game contents… When i go to open the game it crashes, I’m on version 3.5 and im pretty sure the mod is that isnt it?The problem is xml… It’s not compatible for ur version.. I am really hoping this didn’t just happened, but our trip through the …Well… Not really a mood to type this post out. And I’m kind of a noon at this stuff so I don’t know why it didn’t workYou have to replace the .fev files and dump everything in without changing the names. !bro just wait for it okay? Along with French Female Crew Voice, the Male Crew Voice also got a small rework as well, it is now richer in voice variety. But really if something is missing the files are overwrittenIf you do not want to update them, can you tell me how to do it yourself?
Look for KBM SkinMods “TrueGermany” in the Modding Corner / Download section.My latest SkinMods and new theme I work on got just released. Well how long is it been since I have released an update for mod on this site?Well today is the day that mods are revived! Updated PC pre 9.14 gun sounds (old PC gun sounds) ... today i updated the old PC gun sounds. Soo….. currently it seem like the hell for this site. On the map, you will fight among industrial buildings inscribed in a North […]Update 6.10 will delight players with numerous changes to maps. What did i do wrong? Hi Tankers, I have updated the mod for PC gun sounds to 5.5. is it the xml or something else. So I decided that after the BS WG update I will not be using any internet for mods until I am sure that I have enough data for the reminding few days in the month. Well how long is it been since I have released an update for mod on this site? And after updating my game(PC) there is now a new voice if your teammate got destroyed!
It’s cool to use the \ “ban \” and outdated and it worked. i got sick of the original gun sounds. I am unable to do much modding for now due to my modding skills being rusty already, so It will take me a month or two to get things back on track and such, only *Damn, it has been so long that I already forgot what I used to write when ending a post….As usual gun sound mods are always updated, feel free to download the latest version of it.Yamato Harbour hangar is still broken for the time being, will have to wait for some more time before I can fix it.A news that might be exciting is that, with the help of sulf4te from EU server, the French Female crew voice now enters the stage of compilation and testing, and should be up in a week. I hope you could accept my sincere thanks and apology~A lot of people think making 9.15(newist version) PC gun sound and hit sound mod, more than Gup or Skin mods.Maddox, 9.15.1 is already out! Yamato Harbour hangar is still broken for the time being, will…Hi Tankers, I believe you guys already installed update 4.6, and there are a lot of changes this update that includes Hanger changes and I am not able to instantly update them (as they require just…Hi Tankers, I believe you guys already installed update 4.6, and there are a lot of changes this update that includes Hanger changes and I am not able to instantly update them (as they require just…Hi Tankers, I believe you guys already installed update 4.6, and there are a lot of changes this update that includes Hanger changes and I am not able to instantly update them (as they require just…My latest SkinMods and new theme I work on got just released. I am still able to maintain myself from dying.
I thought you guys might be…Hi Tankers, Most of you guys might have heard of the bot that I developed during my spare time, SerBot. Well. Part 2!
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