kim jong un freundin

kim jong un freundin

He reportedly married 23-year-old former cheerleader Ri Sol Ju in 2009, but the match wasn’t made public until 2012.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been in a coma for months and all his recent public appearances were faked, a South Korean official says in a new report about the reclusive despot. Kim Jong Un is (apparently) alive and (presumably) well. Teilen. His gorging The Supreme Leader has his own hand-picked all-girl pop band, the Moranbong Band.

But for North Korea it has the potential to be devastating and there are very few organisations available in the country to notice and help.Wisconsin's attorney general names the officer who shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back. Kim Jong-un has warned North Korean authorities to prepare for the dangers posed to the country by the coronavirus pandemic and a looming typhoon.

Even Kim’s love life is shrouded in mystery. D ie Ex-Freundin des nordkoreanischen Diktators Kim Jong-un, mit der er bis vor einigen Jahren zusammen war, soll am 20.August dieses Jahres … While the world's tabloids obsess over Kim Jong-un - who is clearly fine - there are bigger concerns.

These are external links and will open in a new windowKim Jong-un has warned North Korean authorities to prepare for the dangers posed to the country by the coronavirus pandemic and a looming typhoon.

Rebloggen. We still don't know if outbreaks are under control in the secretive state, which closed its borders to the world in January.Just last week, Mr Kim admitted that his big economic plan, which was due to come to fruition in 2020, had failed and he was having to come up with a new one. Das meldet eine südkoreanische Zeitung. The dictator’s second-oldest half-brother, Kim Jong Chul, was also passed over. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has ordered pet dogs to be confiscated in the country’s capital, saying the pooches represent Western “decadence’’ — but their owners fear Fido is … Teilen. They cannot afford more crops to be damaged.North Korea has also gone from insisting it had zero cases of Covid-19 to holding yet another high level meeting to discuss ways to mitigate the effects of the virus. The former aide to South Korea’s late president Kim Dae-jung said the paranoid leader is in a comatose state days after he handed over some powers to his younger sisterNorth Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is claimed to be in a coma which "could spell disaster for the country".The former aide to South Korea’s late president Kim Dae-jung made the claim about the leader days after he handed over some powers to his younger sister.Chang Song-min told South Korean media: “I assess him to be in a coma, but his life has not ended.“A complete succession structure has not been formed, so Kim Yo-jong is being brought to the fore as the vacuum cannot be maintained for a prolonged period”, he told South Korean media.A few days ago the National Intelligence Service (NIS) announced Jong-un will still "exert absolute power" but he will gradually transfer his authority to Kim Yo-jong "to ease stress".The paranoid dictator, said to be aged around 36, has only been seen a handful of times this year which has fuelled speculation that he could have died.It was thought that a “botched” heart operation to fit a stent had either left him gravely ill or killed him.However the death rumours were quashed when he was seen at a fertiliser factory’s opening ceremony in Suchon, 30 miles north of the country's capital Pyongyang.But if Jong-un is no longer in a position to lead the rogue state, it could spell disaster for its people, it is claimed.Chris Mikul, who penned ‘My Favourite Dictators’ last year, said Jong-un may be the “most benevolent” leader to rule the hermit kingdom – despite being a “brutal dictator”.He said this is because the despot developed a love for video games and basketball when he studied in Switzerland alongside international students which meant he has become “completely westernised”.This means he is one of the more stable leaders under the regime as Jong-un has shown “some concern for welfare”.This includes him putting on free concerts for citizens – including one featuring Disney characters.“We know he has got nuclear weapons now, which makes him the most successful Kim because he has managed to attain a goal they were trying to achieve since the Sixties.“They know nuclear weapons are the insurance policy that will keep the regime in power forever and he’s done it – but he won’t pull the trigger because it would end in the destruction of North Korea.”Mr Mikul argued that having Jong-un in power is arguably better for the people of North Korea than any potential successor.“It's probably better to have Kim Jong-un ruling, which is horrible to say but it appears that the economy is better under him than it has been, or at least as good as it’s ever been under any of the Kims," he said.“That said, we don’t know what is happening out in the countryside and how many people are still going hungry.”He also believes that country's regime would collapse in a disastrous turn of events as North Koreans would release they have been lied to which could spark mass suicides.He warned: “Once this regime falls everything they have believed in since they were born will dissolve, it will be horrendous.“You have to want the regime to fall eventually but you also have to think about the psychological effect it will have on people there.“Then the thought of unifying the two Koreas will be hard too, it was difficult enough unifying East and West Germany, there’s still this east and west divide there to this day.“You have to want a terrible, brutal dictator’s regime to fall but there won't be joy and liberation that comes when that happens, it will be horrible for a lot of North Koreans.“In a similar way for example, imagine if something happened on earth that proved that Jesus never existed and there was definitive proof of that – imagine what would happen then.

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