The list has been grouped to match the in-game Skill categories. though only needed on one Rorqual in a group.Please note: Invulnerability Core Operation I is the bare minimum needed to run a PANIC module.
To help new pilots get their heads around the vast array of skills available to them, several sets of recommended skills have been compiled: 1. The training times listed in these skill plans are approximate and do not take into consideration either implants or utilizing attribute remaps.
If you will never reprocess nullsec ores, feel free to skip.
Mining Director II (3 hours, 20 minutes, 45 seconds)Steps 146-148 improve your mining boosts – for subcap mining ships – not necessary for the Rorqual, but nice if you are mining with others (think about your mercoxit miners, please!) CCP hf. Step 53 and on is what will allow you to use T2 mining crystals – but also where the skill plan goes “Choose your own adventureIf you only mine in high sec, you have no use of the plan after step 60 (please note, this is a mining plan, not refining).
These are basic skill recommendations.
All rights are reserved worldwide. At that point you can try out different things, see if you find something you really like to do and then focus on that.In this plan you will find all the skills that are in the minimum plan, but most of them trained to a higher level and also some additional skills that are not in the minimum skillplan at all.
Science V (4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds)Steps 63-73 are the skills to reprocess Ice – if you do not wish to ever reprocess ice, feel free to skip.Steps 74-99 are for nullsec ores. Just use our "Ship Progress" feature for an easy overview of all ship types, your character's progress and missing skills for any faction available in EVE online.Simple tooltips on mouseover display important information for each ship type and you may add all required skills to fly a certain ship to a training plan of your choice.Sick of not having a single solution for your character skill plans regardless of wether you are on your home PC, work place or using your tablet PC? is optimized to be available on most devices using a simple web browser. Simple overview with all necessary information for all of your characters on a single page.Detailed information about every space pilot you want to manage using as many skill plans for every single EVE pilot on your accounts.Use simple drag & drop sorting to manage all the different skills in your plan and view training duration, end times and missing requirements in a simple overview.Import your existing training plans from EVEMon, create plans to suit a certain ship fit or share plans easily with your friends and corporation.Export your training plan to EVE Online's in game client skill queue or to EVEMon with a simple click.Use our built in remapping feature and get the optimized attribute remaps for your skill plans.Edit you implant set for each skill plan and see how much difference it will make to upgrade your implants to a specific level.Ever wondered how long it would take to train for a certain ship type? These skills, like most skills in Eve Online, will become more beneficial with each level you train, as shown in the table.
When you have Mining at Level l, you can fit the first mining laser module to any frigate you own, this module is called Miner I. Here you will find some compiled skill plans from the basic skills listed above.
Mining crystals are not required; however, the mining yield on the Modulated Deep Core Miner II’s is abysmal without them.1. Treat it as a checklist -- if something's listed here, and you don't have it, consider training it, in roughly the priority listed.
Heavy Drone Operation I (41 minutes, 40 seconds)Steps 105-126 are both general drone skills allowing you to use T2 Light and Medium drones (Gallente and Amarr T2) as well as improving your ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone yield.127. The Magic 14 6. The idea for this plan is to provide a solid skillset to be able to fly all races T1 frigates very efficiently, though not yet maxed out. EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf.
EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. Where applicable which races of ship commonly benefit from a skill are included in parenthesis, but understand that the racial bonuses of a ship are not always a limiting factor of advanced player choices. CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website. In this plan you will find alot of different skills, ranging from shield and armor tanks, active and passive, to e-war skills, gunnery and missile skills, navigation skills ect.
If you are content with Strip Miner I’s, please feel free to stop after step 52. Energy Grid Upgrades II (1 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds)Steps 102-104 are needed for Power Diagnostic System II’s.105. This is a guide for skilling and maintaining a Planetary Interaction (PI) alt character for your main account in about 12 days with the goal of earning semi-passive, low-risk income in high security space to support your more exciting activities in Eve Online. The idea is to provide all skills you need in order to be able to fly ALL races frigates somewhat effectively. If you have no desire to equip one of these – you may substitute the train for Medium Remote Shield Booster and still be able to repair your drones. CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website. Covert Ships Skillset 3.
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