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The tables below represent the penetration capability of penetrating armor at an angle of 30 degrees from the vertical, and the probability of hitting a target representing the front of a tank. Jump to: The Tiger I had hardly entered service before the German General Staff requested a bigger and better successor, superior in armor protection and firepower to anything the Soviets were likely to produce.

Adjustable range up to 1000 meters. When engaging enemy vehicles at long range, the Tiger II had an upper hand over any other vehicle in terms of the gun and armor protection. Jentz, 1999, Big tanks like the King Tiger were mobile fortresses if properly sited in ambush positions. The HEAT round, which was based on the hollow charge principle, used a directed explosion, rather than mass or weight, to penetrate armor. After 1945, nations switched to building main battle tanks that had sufficient firepower and armor to breach enemy defenses, like heavy tanks, while being mobile enough to exploit breakthroughs like medium and light tanks. The range scale for the Pzgr.39/43 was graduated at 100 m intervals out to a range of 4000 m and the second range scale for the Sprgr.43 was graduated out to a range of 6000 m. Of the total ammunition load of 86 rounds (80 for the Tiger II with "early-style" turrets), the recommended ratio was 50% Pzgr.39/43 (APCBC) and 50% Sprgr. Thomas L. Jentz, in "Germany's Tiger Tanks: Vol.2 - VK 45.02 to Tiger II" (Schiffer, 1998), presents a list of official names given to the Tiger II, ordered by date, from 1942 to 1943: Wa Prüf 6 Designations: VK 45.02 (H) 15 April 1942 Tiger II for the VK 45.02 (H) 18 September 1942 Tiger III (VK 45.03) 12 October 1942 Porsche updated its Tiger I design, and this time, was so sure of winning the contract that it ordered a first batch of 50 turrets from Krupp.

The problem of keeping a Tiger II in running condition was compounded by a shortage of skilled drivers, many of whom may have never experienced driving any vehicle prior to entering the service. The production run continued through March 1945 for a total of three prototypes and 489 production-series Tiger IIs produced by Henschel.

As the German armies retreated in the East and West, many of these behemoths were abandoned or blown up by their own crews.

At the peak, it was taking only 14 days to complete a Tiger II. Exclusive.

One transmitter can control up to 15 receivers. Doyle and T.L. Only one model was built, and despite the heavy Allied bombing, Henschel always had at least 60 vehicles being assembled on its tank assembly line floors at any time. Cross-country speed was about ten miles per hour, versus about twenty miles per hour for the other two tanks. Weapons are extremely situational items.

The bulge for the cupola was also a weak area in the turret side-armor. One is left with the impression that it was lucky to move at all. These road wheels consisted of two strong sheet-steel rims attached to a wheel disk of steel between two rubber rings under very high pressure.

When the tank halts before firing and the range to the target is under 1000 meters, the elevation of a high velocity gun such as the 88mm KwK 43 L/71 (whose muzzle velocity was equal or more than 1,000 m/s) is not affected much by range, and range measurements can be dispensed with. The German army ordered 1,500 Tiger IIs, but RAF raids on manufacturer Henschel's factories slashed production. However, due to the excessive mass of the vehicle, relatively low durability of the engine and transmission, and small total number of vehicles built, the Tiger II did not have any significant impact on the course of war.One of the most feared tanks in the Second World War, The - Decent stock grind - The 8.8cm has good accuracy for sniping, and is still competitive in terms of RoF and DPM.

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