eve online character bazaar rules

eve online character bazaar rules

As the ISK received for the character sale is transferred directly to the character for sale, that character gets in virtually all cases a positive ISK balance. Characters may not be sold in exchange for items.The selling of accounts is prohibited; characters may only be sold individually.Bumping is allowed only by the character who started the thread once per calendar day. The sell post must reflect the character correctly, posting that the character you're selling has more skillpoints or ISK than it actually constitutes an attempt at character sales scamming. This is the place to buy and sell characters for ISK in EVE Online. The seller may choose to renege on a deal at any time, prior to the transaction being completed. Character bazaar scams are strictly forbidden by CCP. Once again, any forms of scams regarding character sales are strictly prohibited.Agreements on the forums or in game, or winning an auction does not guarantee a character will be transferred to you. Any information disclosed about the characters may not be removed. The new owner of the character may NOT pass himself off as any previous owner.

Post all in-character discussions in the Corporation, Alliances and Organizations Summit channel.

The owner of the character being sold is responsible for paying CCP the character transfer fee. 1.

Eve Online is the world's largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online space game. Jump clones

You are buying/selling the character ONLY and nothing else. Please read and understand these rules before engaging in any character based trades or transactions in EVE Online.Before posting, please be aware that any sales threads posted by characters that are not the character being sold will be locked and/or deleted.Proof of ownership of the character comes in the form of the character that is being sold making the sales thread in which people can bid for it.Accounts that have been previously banned for macro use are not eligible for character sales.Lottery style sales are not permitted. When a character is sold, the buyer must modify the topic title to reflect this to help other forum patrons know what characters are still available. 1. Any information disclosed about the characters may not be removed.WTS 194m SP Titan/Supers/Dreads/Subcaps Production and Hauling characterWTS Nidhoggur/Orca/Legion Pilot 22.6mil SP 2 remaps avail[SOLD] VNI Ratting Alts for sale 2.75 Bill each separately or allPrice Check 71mio Indy perfect t2/Miner/Support char with lots of bposWTS - MAX Rorqual + preparing Naglfar + preparing Rangarok pilotWTS : 5.4m SP, Cyber 5 ( Alot of skills injected, Cap skills, fighters etc )WTS 121m+ SP Hel Chimera Carrier Capital + Supcapital PVE/PVP MONSTERWTS 5mil SP HG Asklepian, Crystal & Slave Jump CloneWTS : decent miner/exhumer , production and reporcessorWTS Rev Pilot T2 Siege/T2 Guns JDC 5 Amarr BS 5 20 mil spWTS 2006 Birth 18.9M SP male Rorqual and Jackdaw charactor137m Subcap Pilot + Nag/Revel, Alliance Tournament WinnerWTS 36m - Allrounder Minmatar toon - Pure Minmatar - Top OfferSelling 85M SP Battleship pilot with 800K un-alloactedSelling this 5.5m sp char with 3 full set high grade implant set jump clones worth 12b at leastWTS old char but only 8 mil sp. 3. 2007 Virgin, Clean! This can be offered in the form of an API verified The character being sold must be in an NPC corporation at the time of posting, and for the entire duration of the sale/auction thread being active.The sell post must reflect the character correctly, posting that the character you’re selling has more skillpoints or ISK than it actually constitutes an attempt at character sales scamming.The sale of characters with SKINs is permitted, and prices of characters can be adjusted as seen fit by the seller to reflect the value of their skin collection on the character being sold.Any attempts at misleading a buyer regarding SKINs that a character possesses, or any false representation of skin ownership during a character sale will be treated as an attempt at characters sales scamming, and will be subject to the full penalties of an attempted character scam, including potential suspension of accounts.You may not extract skillpoints from a character after it has been advertised for sale. 4. Character sales threads must accurately represent the character's state. Scams involving Character Transfers, mainly via the Character Bazaar where scamming is explicitly forbidden; Scams mimicking services provided by CCP while providing modified data via third party websites; Scams using exploits (fake or existing) Scams involving the "PLEX for Good" campaigns The Character Bazaar rules have been updated with the following rule. Please be aware that this forum category has its own in depth rule set to facilitate character sales. 1. Down-payment plans are not supported by CCP Customer Support. 2. The selling of accounts is prohibited; characters may only be sold individually. 5. 2. Posts in the sales thread once the character has been successfully sold should not be edited. 5.

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eve online character bazaar rules 2020