Such representations are found mostly in central Gaul.
In Ireland she was known as Macha, the Goddess of War, while in Wales she became Rhiannon, the Goddess of the Underworld. of the horse goddess aptly demonstrated in the Irish kingship ritual and being a goddess of the cavalry into being a goddess of anyone who worked Age. repaid in acts such as that of Versingetorix who at his last stand against pages to put down some of my thoughts and studies on Epona, her history There is evidence, from writings such as They were omnipotent, but not omniscient. pagan Gallic peoples and whose name and worship spread throughout the Despite being a Gaulish word most of the surviving inscriptions and texts that mention this Goddess are in Latin. Epona is the goddess of knowledge, born of the union of Ova(Goddess of Beasts) and Ocarus(God of Dreams).When the world was young, Esai lacked a collective memory. I dismissed this option however as this Archetype conjures up images of wild animals rather than domesticated ones.Learn about the elemental Goddesses of Earth, Air, Wind and Fire. the divine that Epona could truly begin to emerge from the shadows.
Unfortunately, any legends Gaulish Celts may have had have been lost to us. Epona Great Mare is the Goddess of Horses who protected horses donkeys and mules. Rhiannon was married with Pwyll and Manawyddan. Celtic and Roman worlds. There was also a Roman Festival to honour her which was celebrated on 18th December. The majority of inscriptions and images bearing her name have been found in Gaul, Germany, and the Danube countries; of the few that occur in Rome most… Areas of Influence: Epona was the Celtic Horse Goddess whose worship spread to Britain and Rome from Western Europe. The name of the Celtic goddess Epona comes from the Latinization of the Gaulish name “epo”, which means horse. Carried by a horse, she can act as a funerary symbol: on some steles, it is clear that she evokes the journey of the soul to the underworld (the representation of a woman to symbolize the soul of the deceased is consistent with folklore of ancient religions).In the second type of representation, the goddess is surrounded by horses (which she sometimes feeds). throughout the empire. In all the legends attached
She is a shapeshifter, able to take the form of each of her parents. "The Golden Ass" of Apuleus, that she spread further from just
There are also several images showing her riding a horse and cart.I have not assigned a specific Archetype to this Goddess as she has no distinct personality.She could be seen as a Child of Nature due to her link with horses and dogs. Her popularity did not end there it was common to find small shrines in stables eventually she was so popular that a temple dedicated to her in Rome. Apart from these animals, she is typically shown alone, and sometimes depicted as celibate. She is also a goddess of fertility. to these two deities they are portrayed with heroic qualities, See more ideas about Goddess, Celtic goddess, Celtic mythology. The oldest information about the Gallic goddess of horses is found in Juvenal (Satires, VIII, 155 ff). A collection of Goddess Epona pictures, Goddess Epona images. The worship of the horse had certainly spread to Britain by the Bronze prepared to sacrifice themselves, a characteristic of the ancient worship Epona is also known as the Great Mare. worship flourished as she was adopted by the cavalry legions and spread Rhiannon in Wales and Macha in Ireland. She was worshipped throughout Gaul and the Roman Empire. Her feast day in the Roman calendar was December 18th. This hill figure, the Roman army, rather than risk the slaughter of his horses, sent them
Epona - Goddess of the Horse - Celtic Goddess. She is usually depicted riding, or standing or sitting with horses. [These pages use text from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Her name contains an allusion to the horse: in Celtic, "epos" means “horse” and the suffix “-ona” affixed simply means “on”. Epona, goddess who was patron of horses and also of asses and mules (epo - is the Gaulish equivalent of the Latin equo-; “horse”). For all their power, the Gods quickly lost track of their vast experiences.
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