crazy games mope io

crazy games mope io is another in You start off as a small mouse, crawling along the battlefield, eating berries as you go in order to grow. Check it out on this page, for free. Après avoir joué à vous ne regarderez plus jamais les souris de la même manière.

New 1v1 features and options! Description: Mope io is an 2d survival game.You start off as a mouse and aim to make your way up the food chain through eating berries to gain xp.To survive to other gamers just avoid them and try eat as much as can.To play fullscreen just push the button from the right up. It has received 649,030 plays and has been rated 8.8 / 10 with 7,042 votes. Vous démarrez avec une petite souris et devez vous faufiler sur le champ de bataille et trouver de la nourriture afin de grossir. Remember, for the smoothest gameplay experence, close other games/ tabs for the best FPS. Mangez un maximum de baies pour ensuite devenir assez gros afin de dévorer les autres souris et ainsi devenir champion de l'arène.

Much like FlyOrDie, you survive by eating food and other animals.

Играть в бесплатно на Crazy Games. You can go from being a humble mouse to a powerful dragon if you don't get eaten before then! is another in a long list of addicting, games that pits you against a group of other, highly motivated players with one goal: Survive! Now in hiding holes, see your animal, and see/talk to other animals (while inside)! Will you be the dominant mouse or will you get eaten along with all the others? Это одна из наших лучших .io игр! Eww, a mouse! This is something you hear every day, but not anymore! You start off as a small mouse, crawling along the battlefield, eating berries as you go in order to grow. Amusez avec cette variante en mode survie de Au secours, une souris ! is available as La seule loi en vigueur est la loi du plus fort, mangez ou faites vous manger ! The game is powered by HTML5 technology to run without trouble in most browsers. fait partie de la longue liste de multijoueurs addictifs qui vous place dans une arène face à des adversaires tous aussi motivés que vous avec une seule idée en tête: survivre ! Vous démarrez avec une petite souris et devez vous faufiler sur le champ de bataille et trouver de la nourriture afin de grossir.

The more you eat, the more you evolve. fait partie de

Consume all you can and grow even larger in order to consume your enemies and dominate the battlefield! After 15 seconds, you become invisible to others in the hole, unless: below full health, low water, or recently chatted. is a game where you have to eat, evolve, and survive. Aug 11: New hiding holes, see players inside! Have fun with this survival version of is developed by Stan Tatarnykov, a Canadian indie is a thrilling .io game.

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