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Believing that Swann's knowledge of the heart is dangerous, Beckett orders him to be killed. Toutefois, sa vie vécue dans le luxe et les privilèges a contribuée à sa vision d’un monde bien où la pauvreté n’existe pas. C’est d’ailleurs lui qui forge l’épée de cérémonie de Norrington, celui-ci étant promu commodore. Undoubtedly Swann was charming and polite but it was no secret that he hadn't the skill to govern his rebellious daughter Elizabeth. Horrified and driven temporarily mad with grief, Weatherby attempted to stab the heart of Davy Jones with a knife but Admiral Norrington stopped him and Jones informed him about the consequences of stabbing his heart. Norrington was set to hang Turner as well as Sparrow, but when Elizabeth decided to stand by Will in opposition of Norrington, Weatherby ordered the marines surrounding them to stand down. He is a middle-aged, balding man with a big heart and aristocratic nature. Changer la langue cible pour obtenir des traductions.Copyright © 2000-2016 sensagent : Encyclopédie en ligne, Thesaurus, dictionnaire de définitions et plus. Though clever and intelligent, he was often too trusting of those around him and expects common courtesy and the law to win out. Weatherby Swann war ein einflussreicher Mann in Großbritannien und wurde 1719 von König George I. zum Gouverneurvon Port Royal ernannt. Doch er hat den Schmerz überwunden, da seine Tochter zu einer schö… Weatherby was concerned over his daughter's choice, but nevertheless accepted it.Some time after Sparrow's escape, Weatherby went on a long overseas journey. This grand mansion was the residence of Governor Weatherby Swann, his daughter Elizabeth Swann and their staff in Port Royal following their crossing from England. Cette mort est toutefois passée sous silence et la version officielle de Beckett, auprès de James Norrington tout du moins, est que le gouverneur est retourné en Elizabeth met longtemps à se remettre de la mort de son père, même si Weatherby Swann est un homme bienveillant et indulgent. Ruling over a British colony demanded a certain authority, though his But when Beckett learned that Weatherby Swann had knowledge regarding the secret of the recently-acquired Not much is known of Weatherby Swann's early life, only that he was born in After arriving to the town of Port Royal, Will Turner became a Eight years after sailing the crossing from England, Captain James Norrington, one of the Lieutenants on board the Despite the fact that Sparrow had saved his daughter's life, Weatherby ordered him to be shot, then called for a That night, Swann's cozy world was turned upside down when the Turner, however, disregarded this, and staged a rescue attempt at the fort that ended in a confrontation on the battlements.

His fashionable frock coat was made by his As a member of the British high society, Weatherby Swann possessed a Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Governor Weatherby Swann is a major supporting character from the live-action Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Car si certaines personnes sont pauvres à Port Royal, le gouverneur Weatherby Swann, à force de ne fréquenter que l’aristocratie dans son élégante demeure, vit dans une charmante illusion.

Ever since the death of his wife, Governor Swann had raised his daughter Elizabeth on his own. He was portrayed by Jonathan Pryce.

Il est d’ordinaire altruiste et n’est pas le genre de personne qui s’emporte facilement. He is a middle-aged, balding man with a big heart and aristocratic nature. Jest ojcem Elizabeth i teściem Willa. Weatherby Swann is the father of Elizabeth Swann and Governor of Port Royal. He is a governor of port royal and father of Elizabeth Swann. Au fil des années, le jeune Will Turner, malgré sa condition sociale plutôt pauvre, devient très proche et très apprécié de la famille. Governor Weatherby Swann, portrayed by actor Jonathan Pryce, [1] is the fictional governor of Port Royal in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean films: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Dead Man's Chest (2006), and At World's End (2007). Governor Weatherby Swann is a supporting character of the first three Pirates of the Caribbean films. Though clever and intelligent, he was often too trusting of those around him and expects common courtesy and the law to win out. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Ajouter de nouveaux contenus Add à votre site depuis Sensagent par XML.Obtenir des informations en XML pour filtrer le meilleur contenu.Fixer la signification de chaque méta-donnée (multilingue).

Beckett ultimately forced Swann to choose between his daughter and his own life when he revealed his ships were in pursuit of Elizabeth and her colleagues.

Weatherby Swann est un homme bienveillant et indulgent. Lorsqu’il est nommé gouverneur de Weatherby Swann et Elizabeth s’établissent à Port Royal dans une luxueuse demeure qui surplombe le magnifique paysage de la ville.

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