Kolja Hebenstreit

Kolja Hebenstreit

Point Nine Capital operates in Germany.

Startupxplore PFP, S.L. Filter appointments Filter appointments Current appointments Total number of appointments 1 Date of birth February 1984.

Es betreibt weltweit Online-Bestellplattformen für Essen. Co-Founder & Partner Oct 2008 to Present Delivery Hero. Mr. Kolja Hebenstreit is Co-Founder and Advisor at Point Nine Capital. Kolja Hebenstreit is an Internet Entrepreneur & Investor based in Berlin. Die Zusammenstellung der Informationen hegt darüber hinaus keinen Mr. Kolja Hebenstreit is Co-Founder and Advisor at Point Nine Capital.

Kolja Hebenstreit Website. He co-founded Thank you for your continued support. Mr. Hebenstreit focuses on consumer internet, e-commerce, lead generation, platforms. Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. deutschen und englischen Handelsregister.

in den Bereichen der Datenbank wird keine Gewähr übernommen. Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world.Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world.Point Nine Capital operates as a venture capital firm. Mr.

He founded Vertical Media GmbH in 2006. Co-Founder Jun 2011 to Present mymuesli. Kolja Hebenstreit Jobs. Co-Founder May 2011 to Present Point Nine Capital.

Wenn Sie unrichtige Angaben korrigieren oder entfernen lassen wollen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte oder At the firm, he was previously a Venture Partner.

Kolja HEBENSTREIT. Under the leadership of Niklas Östberg and Fabian Siegel, Delivery Hero first expanded to Australia and the United Kingdom in 2011. 70, 10177 Berlin, Germany. Die Anteile der Gesellschafter wurden auf ganze Prozente gerundet, daher können diese von den realen Verteilungen leicht abweichen.

Kolja Hebenstreit etwa, mit seinem Team Europe Multigründer und einer der wichtigsten Start-up-Investoren der Republik. Das Unternehmen investiert gezielt in neue StartUps und begleitet diese vom Ideenfindungsprozess bis zur Gründung. He co-founded CEO Event GmbH in 2012 and is its Partner. Kolja Hebenstreit is an Internet Entrepreneur & Investor based in Berlin. He founded Vertical Media GmbH in 2006.

Startup/Company Role Period; Team Europe Ventures. schreiben Sie eine E‑Mail an Kolja Hebenstreit über Entrepreneurship und Online Marketing für Startups and has a PageRank of 5 and ranking #95532 in the world with 3,873 estimated daily visits and a Net worth of $38,901 .The most visitors from Germany,The server location is in Germany .

is an equity crowdfunding platform authorized by CNMV (is the body responsible for the supervision and inspection of Spanish securities markets and the activity of all those involved in them). Internet Entrepreneur - Delivery Hero, Point Nine Capital, Team EuropeThis profile looks great. Für die Richtigkeit der aufgeführten Inhalte 250 Connections There was a problem loading your content. Startupxplore ® 2017. Kolja Hebenstreit ist Gründer und Partner bei Team Europe Ventures.

Kolja Hebenstreit is Co-Founder at Point Nine Management GmbH. Kolja co-founded Delivery Hero (DH) in 2011 while I was the CEO of OnlinePizza.

The Company invests in technology, internet, software-as-a-service, and mobile companies.

We look forward to providing you with even more cutting-edge market research, as Topio Networks.Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search PortalsWestfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / University of Muenster

Kolja Hebenstreit is a co-founder and partner of Team Europe where he is responsible for founding new businesses and supporting the existing portfolio. You want to share it with everyone?Internet Entrepreneur - Delivery Hero, Point Nine Capital, Team EuropeThe premium platform for investing in companies with high growth potential, and the most active startup community in Europe. Kolja Hebenstreit is Venture Partner/Co-Founder at Point Nine Capital.

Kolja Hebenstreit Geschäftsführer Team Europe Details von den Internet-Aktivitäten und -Beteiligungen von Kolja Hebenstreit (Geschäftsführer Team Europe) gibt es hier.

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Kolja Hebenstreit 2020